Hopefully we can answer some questions you might have about NextJunction and our app.
No! We like motorway services! They are an essential part of the road network.
It is really important to us to keep NextJunction free for motorists. Adding petrol prices would mean we would need to charge.
However, we are all aware that supermarket petrol prices tend to be cheaper than other petrol stations.
NextJunction focuses on motorway junctions only, therefore provides motorists with a very simple directory of relavent businesses and facilities for each junction. As you drive down a motorway any passengers can quickly and easily identify which junctions are coming up, which businesses are off each junction, and the distance and time to a preferred business or facility from the current location. Plus, our new promotions feature allows businesses to offer discounts, promotions and incentives. Look out for the blue gift icon next to the business to see which businesses are offering NextJunction users a reward or promotion.
Safety is our priority! If you are the driver, NextJunction must not be interacted with whilst the engine is on. If you have a passenger they can interact with the app throughout your journey. When travelling alone, NextJunction can be used before you set off on your journey to plan any stops and save them in your favourites.
It costs nothing to be on NextJunction. Simple submit your business via our profile form and we aim to have you live within 24 hours.
My decision in 2022 was to rebuild NextJunction for any browser and device. This simplifies everything and means that there is nothing for the user to download.
If you are interested in a junction-specific advert or a global advert across every junction, please email hello@nextjunctionapp.com
We work with people and businesses who trust us enough to call us partners. That trust is an integral factor in our ability to successfully make and deliver a great service. View all brands.