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“Houston, we have a problem!”

The Complete Guide to Troubleshooting


Last modified on Aug 3rd, 2023

Enable Location Services on iOS Safari 

Firstly, a huge thank you to a NextJunction User Ian (you know who you are) for highlighting an issue with location Services on his phone. Hopefully the solution below will do the trick... Thanks Ian!

If you don't allow NextJunction to use your current location you will be presented with the following screen. Follow the steps below to reactivate permissions on your smartphone. Below are some steps to reset this if your are still getting the denied screen after allowing permission.

Navigation to your settings app and scroll down to the 'Privacy & Security' section

Select the first option 'Location Services'. Ensure this is switched on.

Scroll down the screen untill you can see 'Safari Websites' and select it.

Set the option to 'Ask Next Time Or When I share' and then hit the back button.

Reture to the NextJunction app on Safari and hit the refresh icon. A popup screen should appear and ask you to allow Safari to use your location. Select 'Allow While Using App'.

Another popup will appear straight after asking you to allow the '' to use your current location. Click the 'allow' button.

You should now be presented with the closest motorway junctions based on your current location.

Enable Location Services on Android

Coming soon.

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My decision in 2022 was to rebuild NextJunction for any browser and device. This simplifies everything and means that there is nothing for the user to download.

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